Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pathetic fallacy

The morning looked daunting from the outset, but I did manage to go get some bank chores done and solved a critical problem with a thing I'm working on, thereby allaying the anxiety that dragged yesterday through the muck, all within my self-appointed time frame.

I stepped back to take a picture of my work area, quite satisfied with what it had allowed me to accomplish, when the Chicago Underground Trio made the jump from the electro productive "Slon" to the almost inaudible foggy intro to "Zagreb" and just at that juncture of activity to stillness both in the album and myself, it started raining outside, as if the very clouds were feeling my release.

Of course this is pathetic fallacy, but I find it much less pathetic than most of the other fallacies I routinely entertain. Enjoy!

Chicago Underground TrioSlon

Chicago Underground TrioZagreb

1 comment:

  1. So specific, so vague.
    Critical problem, this thing I'm working on.
